I didn't realize it's been a month since our last post. No, I'm not still bitter about the Lakers losing, and that's not the reason why it has taken so long to post another entry. It's just been busy, busy, busy with family in town, work, and just life in general. We got to see Kevin and his family this weekend. They were out for Kevin's friend's wedding and stayed the night at our house Friday night. We got some good Halo 2 action. Maybe at the family reunion next year, Matt and I can bring our X-boxes and we can have a Halo 2 tournament. Brush up on your skills, people!
Kevin's daughter Emma is much bigger now. Also, Kevin is not Catholic. The picture was taken in the hospital. >>>>
We also got to see Zeke and his family a couple of weeks ago, and Jamie's parents came into town for the 4th of July. That was good. This coming Saturday, we'll get to see Matt and Ami. I didn't realize how popular we are :)
Well, we just wanted to let everyone else know we are still alive and kickin'. In a couple of weeks, we might have an announcement to post, so stay tuned.