Tuesday, January 27, 2009

31 weeks and counting!

Jamie had a doctor appointment today following her foray to the hospital Saturday night. The doctor wants her to limit her activity so she doesn't go into labor too early. Of course, that would be bad for the little guy inside. Here's a picture of how big he is getting. He's measuring 33 weeks and three days. For those of you who aren't math majors, that's two weeks ahead of schedule :p


Amber said...

Jamie looks like she could pick up her belly and dribble it. She's such a cute mommy.

Megan said...

I'll second Amber. And then also say that she is just a cute, tiny little pregnant gal! No one does fat and pregnant (well, even not pregnant) like me! LOL! :)

Brigette Little said...

I'm so glad to hear that the baby is growing so well! Hooray! We'll continue to keep him in our prayers. You look fantastic, Jamie!