I had to share a pic of our peppers we were able to grow this summer! I have never really tried to grow anything you could eat, so I was very excited to see these come in!! Tonight's dinner will have something with bell peppers!!
Manfaat Dan Khasiat Madu Bagi Kesehatan
10 years ago
Thats awesome. I wanna grow something next year.
Those look Yummy!
What a cutie Kaylin is Ü
My bell peppers are about half that size. Maybe it's because we're in a drought (for Kentucky - which means we'll only get 35 inches of rain instead of 45). Also, go K-rod. 55 down, 3 to go. Hopefully it's more like 55 down 7 or 8 to go.
Jon - I've posted like 10 blog entries in the past week, but you never look at them. :-( Go Angels!
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